Call for Papers (Oct 12-13 CREDA Research Symposium) [Unpublished]
Call for Papers (Oct 12-13 CREDA Research Symposium)
2023 CREDA Research Symposium
Hosted by the Wood Center for Real Estate Studies
Conference Date: October 12-13, 2023
Location: Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA
Submission Deadline: June 23, 2023
The symposium is hosted by the Wood Center for Real Estate Studies at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s Kenan-Flagler Business School.
We invite submission of theoretical and empirical papers in the field of real estate finance and investing at all stages of completion (including work-in-progress and extended abstracts). We especially encourage submissions of high quality academic and applied research focused on the following themes:
Remote work and its impact on office properties, banking and financial stability, non-office properties, local fiscal policies, and the productivity and spatial reallocation of firms and workers.
The symposium will also include a special session on preliminary work with authors presenting new ideas in a “3-slide session.” Submissions for this session should include a short overview of the topic to be presented.
Papers should be submitted any time before the deadline of June 23, 2023. Submissions can be made by completing the form linked here (or copy “” and paste into your browser address bar).
Presenters with full-time academic appointments will receive complimentary conference registration and will be reimbursed for hotel costs and advance-purchase economy-class airfare. Other travel expenses are not covered. The conference review committee will consist of a sub-committee drawn from the CREDA Affiliates and Oversight Board Members (see next page).
Please feel free to circulate this call for papers among interested colleagues.
Vrinda Mittal
Franklin Qian
Jacob S. Sagi