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FREE Data for AREUEA Members

FREE Data for AREUEA Members

Many of you have seen our recent “lock-in” paper quoted in the NY Times, San Francisco Chronicle, Boston Globe, Financial Times (London) and Washington Post. We’ve taken the time to create two datasets from the National Mortgage Database® (NMDB), a nationally representative five percent sample of closed-end first-lien residential mortgages in the United States, that you can use in your original research. We only ask in return that you cite our paper, but otherwise, there are no strings attached.

Via the link Below, we share FAQs so you know exactly what we have created for you. All of this information is also available on the working paper page (link below).

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Request for Proposals: Impact of International Students on Student Housing

Request for Proposals: Impact of International Students on Student Housing

The NMHC Research Foundation seeks proposals for a research study examining the possible impact of international students on the purpose-built student housing industry.

Project Content. We seek a comprehensive report on the influence of international students on the student housing industry. This report would be designed to help owners, operators, developers, investors, analysts, and other participants in the student housing industry to understand the impact international students have had on the marketplace and their future footprint. Specifically, a report should provide:

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