Amanda Ross 2021-2023 Amanda Ross is an Associate Professor of Economics at the University of Alabama. She is an applied microeconomist with focus in the areas of urban economics, public economics, real estate, and entrepreneurship. Dr. Ross' research examines the impact of public policies, such as state tax policy, bankruptcy law, and the housing voucher program, on the development of cities. Her research has been published in various outlets including the American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, the Journal of Urban Economics, Regional Science and Urban Economics, Real Estate Economics, the Journal of Regional Science, Economic Inquiry, and Contemporary Economic Policy. Dr. Ross has been a member of AREUEA since 2009. In addition to attending and presenting at various AREUEA Conferences, she has been a member of the Women’s Real Estate Network (WREN) for many years, including serving as chair in 2015. She has served on other AREUEA committees as well, including the Membership Committee, the Homer Hoyt Doctoral Dissertation Award Committee, and the 2020 AREUEA National Conference Program Committee. Dr. Ross is also a Co-Editor for Contemporary Economic Policy and the Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis. She is also on the Editorial Board for the Journal of Regional Science and International Regional Science Review. She earned her Ph.D. in Economics from Syracuse University in 2011 and her B.A. in Economics from Binghamton University in 2006. Prior to joining the University of Alabama, Dr. Ross was an Assistant Professor at West Virginia University. |