RCA data is again available to academic researchers!

Submission deadline is January 31.

The Institute for Private Capital is excited to announce an exclusive data sharing agreement with MSCI, which will make MSCI’s Real Capital Analytics (RCA) database available for academic research. RCA is a data and analytics solution for global commercial real estate investing and transactions, with over $40 trillion of commercial property transactions linked to over 200,000 investor and lender profiles.

IPC will accept applications from academic researchers for access to the MSCI RCA data semiannually, with deadlines of January 31 and July 31.

Feel free to reach out anytime with questions.

Click HERE to access the submission website.

Greg Prof. Gregory W. Brown

Prof. Gregory W. Brown
Weatherspoon Distinguished Professor of Finance
Research Director, Institute for Private Capital
Faculty Director, Hodges Scholars Program
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
CB 3490, McColl Bldg., Room 4111
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3490 USA
(919) 962-9250
Research Papers on SSRN

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